Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Alters

My Alters

I bet you’re wondering how I got DID. Who abused me? What happened? Well, I really don’t know myself. But one of my alters, Sally, apparently told my therapist that my father used to beat me while my mother was at work. When my mother asked him where all my bruises came from, he said I had fallen. I was too scared to tell the truth. (Alters in dissociative identity disorder: Metaphors or genuine entities? Merckelbach, Harald ; Devilly, Grant J. ; Rassin, Eric Clinical Psychology Review, 2002.) Eventually, my mother secretly put up cameras in the house and caught my father in the act. She immediately called the cops, and now my father is in prison for the next fifty years.

My mom remarried when I was eight, and I now I have three half siblings. My mother became concerned when I would not remember entire days or even weeks, and eventually I was diagnosed with DID.  

Main Alters

Sally- a little girl perpetually trapped at the age of five. When she takes over, I am sometimes found locked into my closet whispering about my father.

John- a teenage boy, who is very protective of Sally. Sally and John are the only alters aware of each other.

Anne- a motherly figure, she dotes on my younger siblings and appears when they are upset.

Daisy- a teenage girl who is always angry. She will lash out at people for almost no reason.

Each of them represent a certain point of time in my life, according to my therapist, and for the most part they are stuck there. He claims that sally represents me as a little girl. And that John is the older brother, the protector that I desperately wanted and needed. Anne represents my mother, who was never there to comfort me.  Daisy is the newest one; she appeared about three years ago. Not that it’s anybody’s business but I was in a really bad place then, apparently Daisy is me from that time. (Howell, Elizabeth F. The Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Routledge, 2012.)There are thirty alters like I said, but these ones appear the most often. Well bye for now.



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